कॉम्पिटिटिव एग्जाम की तैयारी के लिए जिन English Grammar में जिन टॉपिक्स को पढ़ना पड़ता है उनमें शामिल हैं Subject-Verb Agreement, Common errors, Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms/Phrases, One word substitution, Spelling mistakes, Sentence Correction, Active-Passive voice, Direct-Indirect sentence, Para Jumbles and Fill in the blanks.
First of all we will discuss subject-verb agreement.
Subject-Verb Agreement
Rule - 1
Always use singular verb with singular subject. e.g.
नियम -1 एकवचन कर्ता के साथ एकवचन की क्रिया आएगी। जैसे-
Ravi goes to market.
In the above sentence sub. Ravi is singular, so is the verb 'goes'. This sentence is correct.
इस वाक्य में कर्ता एकवचन है इसलिए एकवचन की क्रिया का प्रयोग हुआ है।
Problem based on this rule..
The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of them may contain an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given option. If you don't find any error, mark 'No error' in your answer-
(1) Mohan/ are/ not doing/ his work./ No Error.
Ans. In part B use 'is' instead of 'are' as the subject 'Mohan' is singular.
Rule- 2 When two or more singular nouns/pronouns joined by 'and', the verb is plural. e.g.
नियम-2 जब दो नाउन और प्रनाउन and से जुड़े हो तो वर्ब यानि क्रिया भी plural होगी।
a- Ravi and Kavi have played cricket.
b-Geeta and Babita are famous women wrestlers.
c-Fire and water do not agree.
d-He and his brother were present there.
e-His brother and sister are at home.
Rule no -3. If the nouns (joined by and) suggest one idea or refer to same person or thing
the verb is singular. e.g.
नियम- 3 लेकिन अगर दो ऐसे नाउन and से जुड़े हों जिनसे एक ही विचार, वस्तु या व्यक्ति का बोध हो तो एकवचन की क्रिया आएगी। जैसे..
a- Bread and butter is my only food. ('Bread and butter' here refers to one thing; therefore verb is singular.)
b-The teacher and poet has arrived. ('The teacher and poet' refers to only one person.)
e-Time and tide waits for none. (In the same way 'time and tide' suggests one idea, so the verb is singular.
d-The horse and carriage is seen everywhere. (The horse and carriage also considered one. )
उपर्युक्त वाक्यों में 'Bread and butter', 'The teacher and poet' , 'time and tide' and 'the horse and carriage' से एक ही व्यक्ति. वस्तु, या विचार का बोध होता है। इसलिए एक वचन की क्रिया का प्रयोग किया गया है।
Rule no. 4- Plural verb with Plural subject; as
नियम -4 बहुबचन के नाउन के साथ बहुवचन की वर्ब यानि क्रिया आएगी।
जैसे -
a- They are playing cricket.
here S- Plural , V- Plural
Rule no. 5- If two nouns or pronouns are joined by as well as, in addition to, besides, like , along with, together with, accompanied by etc., verb must be according to first noun or pronoun;as
नियम -5 जब दो नाउन या प्रनाउऩ as well as, like, in addition to, besides, along with, together with आदि से जुड़े हों तो क्रिया( verb) पहले वाले नाउन के अनुसार आएगी। जैसे-
a- He along with his friends has gone to the market.
b- They as well as their sister are very clever.
इन दोनों ही वाक्यों में क्रिया पहले वाले नाउन के अनुसार है।
Rule- 6- When two subjects are connected by
नियम-6 जब दो सब्जेक्ट 'Not only....but also,' Neither...nor,' 'Either...or' से जुड़े हों तो क्रिया पास वाले सब्जेक्ट के अनुसार होगी। जैसे-
a- Either you or your brother was there.
b. Neither you nor your father is to blame.
Rule- 7 if the subject of the sentence is 'Each of, Either of, Neither of , everyone of, somebody, nobody, anybody, someone, no one, everyone, anyone, nothing, anything, something, everything; verb must be singular.
नियम-7 यदि वाक्य का सब्जेक्ट 'Each of, Either of, Neither of , everyone of, somebody, nobody, anybody, someone, no one, everyone, anyone, nothing, anything, something, everything; में से कोई एक है तो क्रिया एकवचन होगी।
a- Each of the family members is innocent.
b. Everyone of the girls loves to chat.
c. Neither of the two players is good.
d- Either of the men was present there.
e- Everybody knows that he is a cheat.
Rule-8 'Both, Few, a Few take a plural verb.
नियम -8 Both, few and a few के साथ बहुबचन की क्रिया आती है।
a- Both are my friends.
b- Few people have attended the party.
Rule -9 When, a number of , A large number of, plenty of, a lot of, lots of, most of, some of, all of are followed by a Plural Noun, verb must be plural. But the number of ...will take singular verb.
नियम -9 a number of , A large number of, plenty of, a lot of, lots of, most of, some of, all of, के बाद Plural Noun हो तो verb भी Plural ही होगी। लेकिन The number of के बाद singular verb होगा।
a- A number of players have come.
b- A lot of people have joined the party.
c- All of us have attended the party.
d- Lots of women were dancing.
e- Half of the players are injured.
f- Two-thirds of the students are absent today.
The number of vehicles is increasing.
Rule -10 When Half of, one third of, two thirds of, three fourths of, a quarter of, the rest of, lots of, apart of, followed by uncountable noun , the verb must be plural; e.g.
नियम -10 Half of, one third of, two thirds of, three fourths of, a quarter of, the rest of, lots of, apart of के बाद जब अनकाउंटबल नाउन होता है तो वर्ब यानी क्रिया एकवचन में होगी।
a- Two-thirds of the milk has been used.
b. Half of the mango is rotten.
c- The rest of the book is blank.
d. Lots of water is wasted daily.
Rule- 11 We know that singular subject takes singular verb. But there are some exceptions to this rule.
A- When imagination or impossible conditions or unrealistic wishes are expressed in a sentence, singular subject also will take plural verb; e.g.
नियम- 12 जिन वाक्यों में कोरी कल्पनाओं, असंभव इच्छा या अभिलाषा को व्यक्त किया जाता है उन वाक्यों में एकवचन कर्ता के साथ भी बहुबचन की वर्ब आती है।
1- I wish he were a king.
2- If I were you, I would slap him.
3- I wish I were there.
4- I wish it were your car.
5- Were she a bird, she would fly everywhere.
6- He behaved as if he were my boss.
Rule- 12 'Dare not' and 'need not' are two verbs remain in plural with singular subject.
a- He need not do any more work.
b- She dare not abuse me.
Rule 13- Some nouns such as Scissors, Trousers , Spectacles, Shorts, Jeans; take plural verbs.
नियम -13 Scissors, Trousers , Spectacles, Shorts, Jeans; जैसे नाउन के सात हमेशा बहुवचन की वर्ब आती है।
a- Your scissors are not very sharp. ( But it is correct to say; A pair of scissors has been taken.)
b- Your trousers are very nice.( But it is correct to say; A pair of trousers has been bought.)
Rule -14 To express wish and desire, verb 'Bless', 'Live', 'Save' and 'Help' remain in the plural with singular subject.
नियम- 14 इच्छा, अभिलाषा और आशीर्वाद के लिए एकवचन कर्ता के साथ भी Bless, Live, Save and Help जैसी क्रियाओं का प्रयोग बहुवचन में होता है।
a- God bless you.
b- God save you.
c- Long live our country.
d- Lord help you.
Rule -15 When a plural noun refers to specific quantity or amount considered as a whole, the verb is singular.
नियम- 15 जब किसी निश्चित मात्रा को कुलमिलाकर एक रूप में माना जाता है तो एकवचन क्रिया का प्रयोग होता है।
a- Ten minutes is allowed to each student. ( Here 'Ten Minutes' considered as a whole.)
b- Hundred rupees is not a large sum. ( Here 'Hundred rupees' considered as single amount in whole.)
सभ्य और शालीन प्रतिक्रियाओं का हमेशा स्वागत है। आलोचना करने का आपका अधिकार भी यहाँ सुरक्षित है। आपकी सलाह पर भी विचार किया जाएगा। इस वेबसाइट पर आपको क्या अच्छा या बुरा लगा और क्या पढ़ना चाहते हैं बता सकते हैं। इस वेबसाइट को और बेहतर बनाने के लिए बेहिचक अपने सुझाव दे सकते हैं। आपकी अनमोल प्रतिक्रियाओं के लिए आपको अग्रिम धन्यवाद और शुभकामनाएँ।