How to communicate in a classroom?
Many teachers and students find it difficult to communicate in English in a classroom. They don't feel comfortable in English speaking. This is normal for those people whose first language is not English. Keeping in mind their hesitation and English language related issues, enough sentences and phrases have been given in this post. I hope teachers and students will find this post extremely useful. I must say that everyone will be benefited equally and greatly.
Conversation in a classroom:
Teacher: Good morning everyone/everybody.
Students: Good morning sir/madam.
Teacher: How's it going ?
Students: Good sir.
Teacher: That's great. By the way I'll explain a new chapter today. But first of all, I'd take your attendance. So are you ready for attendance? Teacher can also say 'Attend the roll call please'.
Students: Ready Sir or Yes sir.
Teacher: Here is our attendance register. Let me open it. Keep silent and pay your attention please.
Teacher: Roll
Student: Present sir/ma'am.
At that time one more student requests to come in the class.
Student: May I come in sir?
Teacher: Your name?
Student: Rajan, sir.
Teacher: Rajan why are you late?
Rajan: Sir I have no reason or excuse. I'm really very sorry for being late sir.
Teacher: I like your honesty or frankness. Come in the class. Mind it! Next day you have to come on time. Punctuality is very important for everyone.
Rajan: Thank you sir. I'll try my best to come on time in the class sir. Or I promise I'll come on time sir.
Teacher : Good. Now go to your seat.
Rajan goes to his seat silently.
Teacher: Has anyone given any application for leave?
Students: Yes sir.
One of the students handed the application over to the teacher.
After taking the attendance ..
Teacher: I hope I haven't left anyone out.
Some students start murmuring,
Teacher: Don't murmur. Keep quiet.
All the students start looking at the teacher.
Teacher: I'd explain new topic today. Does anyone have any doubt in the last topic we discussed yesterday.
Students: yes sir. There are still some doubts. Sir, Could you please explain that topic again?
Teacher: How many students did not understand the last topic?
All of the students raise their hands.
Teacher: Oh! I see! I must explain that topic again. Open your text book. Go to page no...56.
Thirdly...... and
Finally .......
Teacher: Got it.or have you got it? Or Is everything clear to you? Or. Does it make sense to you?
Students: Yes sir.
Teacher: Great. Bye the way you can share the notes with the students who have missed this class.
Students: Ok sir.
Teacher: Rohit, is there any issue?
Rohit: No sir.
Teacher: Why are you talking in the class?
Rohit: Sorry sir.
Other student raise his hand.
Teacher: What do you want to ask?
Student: Sir, Our syllabus hasn't completed yet?
Teacher: Don't worry. Our syllabus will be completed in time.
Teacher: Your class is over now. See you tomorrow. Have a nice time.
Students: Thank you sir.
Apart from this conversation, a list of useful sentences for classroom is is given here.
to be continued.....
सभ्य और शालीन प्रतिक्रियाओं का हमेशा स्वागत है। आलोचना करने का आपका अधिकार भी यहाँ सुरक्षित है। आपकी सलाह पर भी विचार किया जाएगा। इस वेबसाइट पर आपको क्या अच्छा या बुरा लगा और क्या पढ़ना चाहते हैं बता सकते हैं। इस वेबसाइट को और बेहतर बनाने के लिए बेहिचक अपने सुझाव दे सकते हैं। आपकी अनमोल प्रतिक्रियाओं के लिए आपको अग्रिम धन्यवाद और शुभकामनाएँ।